For Contractors
Helpful links, tools, and guides for contractors
Upcoming SCD New Construction Projects that are in the design or bidding pipeline:
Please review the following master list of SCD projects by region and at what stage they are in. You can review potential K-12 school projects at Quest CDN or state construction projects at Public Purchase.
Major Maintenance Projects: are released as agencies are ready to bid the projects which may happen on a continuous basis. We are encouraging our agencies to begin their process now, so bids can be released as soon as possible for this year.
Make sure you are seeing every opportunity! Get registered on Public Purchase to receive bid notifications. Registering is easy. For Step-by-Step instructions on how to register, click here.
The start of the new year/new season is a great time to review the classification codes you have registered for so you see all the bids you may be interested in as they are released.
Capital Construction Notices
Notices of Substantial Completion - Moved Under Construction Management
SCD Procurement Staff
Bid Procurement Questions
Lenora Simpson - 307-777-3558
Jana Reutlinger 307-777-8536
WOLFS Procurement - Construction Management Questions
Opal Hunt - 307-777-8516
Laura Still - 307-286-6507
WOLFS Procurement & School Facilities Questions
Janet Garrison - 307-214-9772
Helpful Information For Contractors
Are you a contractor in Wyoming and want to work on some of the state's many projects, but aren't sure how to bid for them? Please, take a quick look through these slides that explain much of our procurement process, best practices in submitting bids, highlights of upcoming projects to watch for, and more.

Finding Bids & Navigating the SCD Procurement Site
From the Procurement Home Page, you will be able to navigate and locate bid listings for the State of Wyoming, as well as school districts, community colleges and the University of Wyoming. SCD bids will be posted on our online bidding system, Public Purchase, although some agencies post their bids through other bid listing systems.
Receiving Notices of Bid Opportunities
The SCD currently releases bids on Public Purchase. To receive notices when bids are posted, please register for a FREE account and select the commodity codes to be notified of bids that relate to your specific trade. For more detailed information on how to register with Public Purchase, please view this step-by-step guide.
If you already have an account on Public Purchase, we would encourage you to double-check the classification codes you have selected to ensure correct notification of bids because the SCD has recently updated the commodity & classification codes from the NAICS to the NIGP commodity & classification codes, which provides more specific and detailed choices to help you see the bids best suited for your trade. You will be notified by Public Purchase of bids that have been released based on the commodity & classification codes you have selected in Public Purchase.
Public Purchase is also the online bidding system used by A&I Procurement. Please be sure you are registered with both SCD and A&I so that you will receive notification of bids from both agencies.