For Agencies

Information Regarding Construction-Related Procurement for Wyoming State Agencies

Have you ever wondered.....?

SCD has put together a new tool to help agencies answer these very questions: 

SCD Procurement Staff

Bid Procurement Questions

Lenora Simpson - 307-777-3558

Jana Reutlinger   307-777-8536

WOLFS Procurement - Construction Management 

Opal Hunt  -  307-777-8516

Laura Still   -  307-286-6507

WOLFS Procurement & School Facilities Questions

Janet Garrison307-214-9772

Procurement Toolbox - For Agencies

SCD Training Slides 3.01.24 Final rev

Timing Your Bid / Project

Planning your Bid timeline: 

When planning your advertisement schedule, pre-bid meetings, bid due dates, keep in mind there are statutory requirements that need to be met.  In order to assist you with this planning, SCD has an example timeline of the minimum days to put out a bid on this website located here.  

HOWEVER, when planning your timeline, please consider the type of project and the amount of work the contractor must do in order to produce an accurate bid and plan your schedule accordingly.  While SCD will place the newspaper advertisement for your bid, depending on what newspaper you are using, you will need to take those individual newspapers submission deadlines into consideration when planning your timeline.  Our website also has a listing of Newspaper Submission Emails Addresses for Legal Advertisements here.

Have you ever wondered.....?

SCD has put together a new tool to help agencies answer these very questions: 

Holiday Blackout Dates

Provided here are a list of dates that are holidays recognized by the state of Wyoming, during which the SCD will not be releasing bids on these dates. The SCD wants to encourage competitive bidding on projects and has developed this list in connection with contractors. 

Is your Agency's Procurement Construction Related? 

Effective October 1, 2020, W.S. 9-2-3001 brought the Construction Management and School Facilities construction procurement together under one roof.  With this, all procurement and bidding services for construction, construction-related, major maintenance, and architects and engineers professional service projects now fall under the purview of the Wyoming State Construction Department (SCD).  

The Wyoming Department of Administration and Information (A&I) Procurement is no longer responsible for these projects/services.  However, A&I does retain duties for procuring supplies and services, which could include some construction-related materials.

Featured below is a brief interactive presentation that will help explain the several processes involved in construction-related procurement, and it will help determine if the procurement being sought is construction related and thereby if you should seek to procure through the SCD Procurement or through A&I Purchasing.  

Public Project Procurement Process